Meet Our Golden Oldies

Photo by Swift-Bennett


Gleneagles In K.C.'s Honor, FGDCH, TN-N, "Honor" DOB 8/15/97, AKA "Bubba Dude". Honor has been racing with Fur Fun since February of 2002. Honor was a core member of the A team for several years and helped Fur Fun reach a personal best time of 16.6 in 2006. Honor lives for flyball but also enjoys, swimming, tracking and is a certified assistance dog. He can be seen helping Cindy train her assistance dog clients and giving her presentations for Paws With A Cause where he demonstrates various tasks assistance dogs perform, including retrieving anything from coins and credit cards to heavy backpacks and alerting to a phone ringing. Honor also "says his prayers" and plays "sad dog". Honor does everything at full speed and has no regard for his body. And, whatever you do, don't try to get out the door without him. He will not be left at home if there is anything that he can do about it. Honor is also very much a 'mama's boy'. As a puppy, his breeder said that he never fussed until Cindy came to visit, then he barked like crazy until she picked him up. Cindy says he picked her, not the other way around. He's been her constant companion ever since. Honor is named after Cindy's first male Border Collie, K.C., who she lost shortly before Honor came home. Honor is loved by Cindy and Carl Tier and lives near State College, PA.

Jack Dog
Photo by Alise Baer

Jack Dog

Jack Dog ADD, FGDCH50K
02/01/1999 - 01/21/2013. Best Time: 4.0
Nicknames: Snack Dudley, Jackalope, Jacky Fun, J.D.
Likes: frolicking, playing soccer, herding sheep, swimming.
Little known talent: freestyle beat-boxing—Jack's got a lot of rhythm. Most loathed snack: pretzels. Jack is a fun, goofy dog who will never grow up.  He's always trying to get something going, and he gives every activity 1000% of his enthusiasm.  Jack is difficult to run in flyball just because he'll take every chance he can get to play soccer with loose balls in the runback.  This usually leads to him running amok all over both lanes, and it's quite embarrassing.  Jack Dog loves to be farmed out to open and vet teams around the globe.

Here is a listing of all 160 dogs Jack Dog had as flyball teammates

Photo by Irene Cotter


Jammer's official name is Kijam Jammer Kasen. Michael is his owner of record, however, since Mike moved to Florida to begin his life as an attorney. Jammer lives in New Jersey with Fran, David and Jenny. He has been a member of Fur Fun since 2005. Jammer is a height dog and has clocked a few runs as fast as 4.3. He averages mid 4's.  He became a veteran this Spring, however he usually runs on a Division 1 Multi team. He traveled cross country with Fur Fun in 2007 to race at the World Cynosport National Championship where his team placed first in Division 4. Jammer has over 35,000 points under his belt (harness). He hates to be cold, he won't poop in Oklahoma, and his favorite pastime is chasing balls and swimming. He is an enthusiastic agility student, and hoping to begin competing shortly. The only thing he has ever herded is a chipmunk, and the only search and rescue he has ever done, involved a tennis ball stuck under the couch for days. He has survived cancer, and a macing by the mail carrier. 



ADCh Quicksilver Time Bomb, OA, AXJ, FGDCH80K
Ticker (Sticky-Ticki, Girlfriend) is Deb's first border collie and her oldest dog. Born in March, 1997, she is a Sprint daughter, and started playing when she was just a year old. Her best times were in the 3.9s, and she still clocked them at the ago of 10. She is also a wonderful agility dog, and worked as a Therapy dog as well, playing fetch in retirement communities for several years. But her favorite game is Tickerball, played with a toy in the mouth and a ball batted around with the front paws. Other fave activity is monitoring cats – you really have to keep an eye on those creatures.